
Generative Art — Cosmic Cloud

Emerging patterns formed from simple shapes

Jan van Essen
Jan 3, 2023
Cosmic Cloud by Jan van Essen, January 2023
Cosmic Cloud by Jan van Essen, January 2023

Circles and triangles are composed around the center in varying numbers, sizes, and gradients. These simple geometric shapes blend into each other to create more complex patterns. A cosmic cloud emerges, inviting to contemplate and discover …

Cosmic Cloud by Jan van Essen, January 2023

Iterations are available on fxhash, an open platform to create and collect generative NFTs on the Tezos blockchain. Made with p5js.



Jan van Essen

Creative Coder & Generative Artist · janvanessen.com · How to build the future? · Web3 developer · Impact Tech · Blockchain & Deep Learning